You performed a search for: Suitable for: Court-ordered community service hours

There are 7 record(s) that match your criteria.

Click on the Position Title to view the full details of the record


Ajax Ajax
Brock Brock
Clarington Clarington
Durham Region Durham Region
Oshawa Oshawa
Pickering Pickering
Scugog Scugog
Uxbridge Uxbridge
Whitby Whitby
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Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests
Virtual & In-person (Toronto, York Region, and Durham Region)

Are you passionate about nature and interested in growing the urban forest? Join the LEAF volunteer community by attending this Orientation!

During this interactive virtual session, you will learn how to support your local environment by getting involved with LEAF programs in Toronto, York Region and Durham Region!

We have many volunteer opportunities available to choose from. Whether you’re looking to get your hands dirty at a community tree planting, educate the public at local outreach events, photograph the fun at a tree tour or assist behind the scenes – we have something for everyone

Please use one of the links below to register for a virtual orientation to learn how to get involved:

      March 8 Virtual Volunteer Orientation (11:00am to 12:00pm)         March 25 Virtual Volunteer Orientation (6:30pm to 7:30pm)

Please note that volunteers must be at least 18 years of age.

Registrants will be provided a Zoom Meeting link to access the orientation.

The event will be delivered online and can be accessed through a web browser or an electronic device with the Zoom app. Internet access is required. For accessibility questions, please contact Natasha[at]

This event is supported by Ontario Power Generation.

Food Bank Assistant   Clarington  Durham Region 
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Salvation Army, Bowmanville, Food Bank - Bowmanville
Salvation Army Bowmanville, 75 Liberty St S, Bowmanville

Assist at food bank * sort food donations and pack food bags for clients * gather and pack frozen meat, produce and dairy bags for clients.

Volunteer   Durham Region  Oshawa 
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Back Door Mission for the Relief of Poverty, Oshawa

General volunteers do a variety of tasks including food service * dispensing pantry goods * monitoring washrooms * coat check * and various other odd jobs.

Retail Mission Thrift Store Volunteer   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Mission Thrift Store - Central Region, Oshawa
1300 Simcoe St., N., Oshawa, ON L1G 4X4

Volunteers needed to exercise their expertise in the following areas:

  • receive and sort donations
  • greet and help assist customers 
  • cashier duties
  • electronics/small appliance fixer and tester
  • put together creative, pleasing displays
  • handyman around the building 
  • clean and price items for the following departments:  housewares, books, jewellery, sports, furniture, clothing, shoes, linens, purses and luggage, toys, electronics and high-end collectables/sports memorabelia
Marshals, Timers, scanners, tailwalkers.   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Parkrun Canada

Our weekly event requires:  A Marshall - to help direct the runners at turnpoionts

A Timer - will need a smartphone and be able to download the timing app which will be used to time the prticipants for their 5K wlak/run/jog

A scanner - will need a smartphone to use the app to scan barcodes at the end of the event

A tailwalker - will be walking the course, following the last participant. Will act as course 'sweep' as well as pick up signage.

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Bethesda House, Bowmanville - Mailing Address, Shelter and Community Outreach Services
25 King St. West, Bowmanville, ON, L1C 1R2

Assist shoppers purchase new and gently-used womens, mens and childrens clothing * ensure tidiness of store * set up and take down displays * handle cash * sort clothing donations * promote, be able to talk to customers about Bethesda House

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Salvation Army - Durham Region Thrift Stores
Salvation Army Thrift Store, 35 Division St, Bowmanville

Sort donations * ensure tidiness of store * duties as assigned

Volunteer Durham is committed to provide a database that is accurate, current and comprehensive. However, we are unable to assume any liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality. Please contact Volunteer Durham to report concerns or to make suggestions.