You performed a search for: Suitable for: Anyone

There are 18 record(s) that match your criteria.

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Ajax Ajax
Brock Brock
Clarington Clarington
Durham Region Durham Region
Oshawa Oshawa
Pickering Pickering
Scugog Scugog
Uxbridge Uxbridge
Whitby Whitby
Chef   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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The Cultural Empowerment Project

TCEP is all about GOOD food, so we depend on the culinary skills of Durham area chefs to help make sure all our food programs are as delicious as possible. Volunteer Chefs may support cooking classes, feature at a dinner event, or support event food.

 We believe that food has the power to bring people together!

We will provide more information on specifics regarding how often you’ll be needed including dates and times. 

The links below will provide more information on our organization:



Event Support   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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The Cultural Empowerment Project

TCEP hosts both public and private special events including receptions and seated dinners. Event Support volunteers will assist with event preparation including cleaning the facility, decorating, setting tables/​moving furniture, and promoting (if applicable). Skilled Event Support volunteers may also assist at an event to either host, serve tables, do dishes, or tend the juice bar – depending on volunteer training and event requirements.

We believe that food has the power to bring people together!

The links below will provide more information on our organization:


Food Educator   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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The Cultural Empowerment Project

Volunteer Food Educators support the TCEP staff team in delivering food literacy programs at our food education center and around the community. Food educators may supervise and assist in cooking activities, lead group discussions, and participate in all other aspects of program delivery from set-up to clean-up. Volunteer food educators are also welcome to contribute to program planning to ensure our curriculum contains exciting activities, and promote food system sustainability.

 We believe that food has the power to bring people together!

The links below will provide more information on our organization:



Fundraising Committee Member   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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The Cultural Empowerment Project

Committee members take ownership of fundraising and contribute significantly to TCEP corporate sponsorship, personal giving, fundraising events and other campaigns. They leverage personal or professional networks, practice event planning skills, and help get people excited about healthy wholesome food! The committee convenes once every 4 to 6 weeks, and members are expected to attend at least 75% of those meetings.

 We believe that food has the power to bring people together!

The links below will provide more information on our organization:



Garden Support   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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The Cultural Empowerment Project

TCEP is looking for an enthusiastic person to provide support with organizing and starting a garden including helping with ongoing garden maintenance. As well as offer educational programs in the garden. Our aim is to offer quality fresh foods to the community whenever possible.

We believe that food has the power to bring people together!

The links below will provide more information on our organization:



Multilingual or Bilingual Skills   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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The Cultural Empowerment Project

If you speak more than one language we would love to have you become part of this exciting venture!  

·         If you’re interested in volunteering for any position and you have other language skills that’s wonderful!

·         However, we would still need your language abilities even if you’re not volunteering for another position.

So, please reach out to us!

We believe that food has the power to bring people together!

The links below will provide more information on our organization:



Other Special Interest   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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The Cultural Empowerment Project

If you have a special volunteer interest, please specify

The links below will provide more information on our organization:



VOLUNTEERS FOR AGECARE SAMAC   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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AgeCare Samac
Agecare Samac LTC

Looking for long-term Volunteers (minimum of 6 months, required to attend 2 hours minimum per week) to assist with every day programs, events, outings, entertainment and much MORE!

Social Media Content Creator   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Durham Family & Cultural Centre

Designing social media content for our platform that are engaging with current trends and opportunities to increase brand exposure for our company.

  • Collaborate in teams and or with other staff members and volunteers.
  • Propose ideas to improve DFCC's social media platforms.
  • Provide support for designing flyers, and posters while being informed of trending topics.
  • Create and plan the contents of the volunteer and or youth monthly newsletter. It can incorporate feature articles, updates and highlights of DFCC's activities and achievements. 
  • Create weekly quotes either inspirational or informative to engage followers.
  • Writing blog posts about our initiatives and events 
  • Identify community needs and recommend new topics
Marshals, Timers, scanners, tailwalkers.   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Parkrun Canada

Our weekly event requires:  A Marshall - to help direct the runners at turnpoionts

A Timer - will need a smartphone and be able to download the timing app which will be used to time the prticipants for their 5K wlak/run/jog

A scanner - will need a smartphone to use the app to scan barcodes at the end of the event

A tailwalker - will be walking the course, following the last participant. Will act as course 'sweep' as well as pick up signage.

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Oshawa Skating Club
Delpark Homes Centre - 1661 Harmony Rd N, Oshawa, ON L1H 7K5

The Oshawa Skating Club is proud to be offering Skate Canada's CanSkate program, a learn to skate program that is proven to help learners develop strong basic skills faster while having fun!

Program Assistants help support beginner skaters during our learn to skate programs. Members of the community who know how to skate and who enjoy working with children are welcome to volunteer.

  • Adults that are interested in helping out will need to provide a vulnerable sector background check. Contact us for an endorsment letter to get this done for free. 
  • High school students can earn community hours.
Peer Mentor   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Ontario Caregiver Organization

To participate in the Ontario Caregiver Organization’s 1:1 Peer Support Program as a Peer Mentor, delivering emotional support to other caregivers as they navigate their caregiving journey * be familiar with OCO’s mission, vision and programs and supports * facilitate peer support programs in a confidential, non-judgmental and friendly atmosphere * expertly guide conversations that allow caregivers to meet others with similar and dissimilar caregiving experiences * offer support and guidance on matters that help caregivers in their journey * provide feedback on OCO’s programs and resources that can help shape the ongoing delivery of OCO’s support and resources for caregivers * maintain confidentiality on sensitive issues as per OCO’s confidentiality agreement * communicate in a timely matter any concerns or issues to OCO staff liaison * follow all policies and procedures outlined in OCO’s volunteer handbook * understand and accept the roles and responsibilities of the peer support program * successfully complete all peer mentor training

Food Bank Volunteers   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Simcoe Hall Community Programs & Food Bank, Oshawa, Food Bank

It doesn't require a lot of time or energy to pack food for a family, prepare nutritious after school snacks, or help a child learn to read but it does require a lot of heart. Volunteer opportunities range from program support to assisting with a special fundraising event to simply helping people feel valued and cared for in a time of need. 

VOLUNTEER BOARD MEMBERS WELCOME   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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FOOTPRINTS 4 Autism, Pickering, Autism Respite and Support Services
Currently meeetings are held via Zoom

Volunteer Board Members Welcome

FOOTPRINTS 4 Autism is a nonprofit registered charity serving Durham Region. We offer respite and recreational programs for families with children and youth on the autism spectrum.  We are currently growing from a Steering Committee to a Governance Board, and looking for new members to join our Board.

We need Board members in the following areas: Marketing, Communications, Fund Development, Finance and Secretary. For a 2-year commitment.

Board meetings are held once-a-month in Whitby. We have a virtual option as well. Members can choose roles in Marketing & Communications, Fund Development, Finance, Human Resources and ad-hoc Project sub-committees.

These roles can be rewarding to anyone from lawyers, insurance agents, marketing and advertising to accountants, fundraisers, administration, and community minded people, to name a few.  

Interested in volunteering?  We would love to hear from you.  Please send resume to:

Have questions?  Call Sandra at 905-420-0388   ext. 1


Volunteer   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Winbourne Park

Become a Volunteer today!

 Revera, we’re so thankful to have dedicated volunteers working in our retirement communities. Whether our volunteers are supporting recreation activities, helping out at a special event, or offering companionship to a resident, these acts of volunteerism and kindness make a big difference in the lives of the people who call Revera home. Inquire today about how you can get involved.

• Assist with recreation activities & events
• Support with meals & dining experience
• Participate in organized programs & clubs
• Develop relationships & visit with seniors
• 1-2 hours per week or spend a day with the rec staff 

Musicians   Durham Region  Whitby 
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Salvation Army (The), Whitby, Community and Family Services, Whitby Family Services
710 McQuay Blvd, Whitby, ON L1N 5V3
Musician for Sunday morning worship services * Bass Guitar, keys, percussionists
Gutsy Walk General Committee Members   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Crohn's and Colitis Canada, Durham Region Chapter
Gutsy Walk, Heydenshore Pavilion, 589 Water St, Whitby

Act as a community liaison and collaborate with like-minded individuals to raise awareness * plan education events * plan fundraising events such as the Gutsy Walk

Lifeguard   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Durham Warm Water Aquatic Program

Lifeguard for a warm water arthritis friendly program

Volunteer Durham is committed to provide a database that is accurate, current and comprehensive. However, we are unable to assume any liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality. Please contact Volunteer Durham to report concerns or to make suggestions.