You performed a search for: Organization: Durham Rape Crisis Centre
There are 2 record(s) that match your criteria.
Click on the Position Title to view the full details of the record

Summary of Role
As a Bingo/Casino volunteer you will be representing the DRCC at a local Ontario Lottery Gaming location and acting as an advocate and with general customer service skills. The DRCC is fortunate to receive a portion of profits through the Ontario Charitable Gaming Association, and as such we are required to represent our organization at a local OLG business during our set hours. You will be provided a collared shirt/vest, name tag, and will be sharing information about the DRCC, and supporting general operations at the gaming location.
Role Responsibilities
● Attend general DRCC training/orientation
● Represent DRCC as an advocate during set hours (2 hour shifts)
● Attend OCGA/OLG online training, and shadow an experienced volunteer prior to first shift
● Participate with, as needed, customer service tasks, including cleaning screens and other maintenance tasks
● Other duties as agreed upon
Actively listen to victims and survivors of sexual violence who are struggling. Provide de-escalation, grounding, check-ins, community resources and appropriate information/referrals to callers/clients * connect with staff for support or debriefing * attend volunteer meetings and new training/workshops opportunities * Submit call logs * complete a 6 session (18 hour) volunteer training, and recieve a training certificate
Calls will come through via our automated service ensuring your anonymity* minimum 1 year commitment to the centre