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Sunrise Developmental Support Services
Sunrise DSS1621 McEwen Dr, Unit 6, Whitby * some events within the Durham Region Community
Supporting members throughout a variety of events including:
- Art Workshops
- Dances
- Cooking Classes
- Weekend Cabin Retreats - at Camp Samac
- Bowling Nights
- Dinner & Movie Nights
Duties during events include
- engaging with members in a friendly socializing role
- contributing to a positive, welcoming and inclusive environment by respecting all individuals including members, staff & volunteers from different walks of life and varied abilities
- promote appropriate life and social skills
- encourage members to participate in events through positive energy and participation
- assisting members to ensure they're included in programs i.e., holding knife while member places hand over top of yours to assist with cutting food items
- supporting staff in set up and clean up of events including: whiping down tables/counters, dishes, decorating, moving furniture, changing garbages etc.