You performed a search for: Organization: Simcoe Hall Community Programs & Food Bank

There are 2 record(s) that match your criteria.

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Ajax Ajax
Brock Brock
Clarington Clarington
Durham Region Durham Region
Oshawa Oshawa
Pickering Pickering
Scugog Scugog
Uxbridge Uxbridge
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Simcoe Hall Community Programs & Food Bank, Oshawa, Food Bank

Simcoe Hall is looking for a dedicated volunteer driver on an ongoing basis every Thursday at 7 PM to pick up a large quantity of bread from COBS Bakery (Courtice location – 1635 Durham Regional Hwy 2, Clarington, ON L1E 2R7).

This is a one- or two-person job that requires heavy lifting and the ability to store the bread overnight until it can be dropped off at Simcoe Hall (387 Simcoe Street S, Oshawa, Ontario) on Friday morning.

Your support helps ensure fresh bread is available for those in need in our community. If you're interested or have any questions, please reach out to us!

Food Bank Volunteers   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Simcoe Hall Community Programs & Food Bank, Oshawa, Food Bank

It doesn't require a lot of time or energy to pack food for a family, prepare nutritious after school snacks, or help a child learn to read but it does require a lot of heart. Volunteer opportunities range from program support to assisting with a special fundraising event to simply helping people feel valued and cared for in a time of need. 

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