You performed a search for: Areas of Interest: Transportation / Driver / Delivery

There are 6 record(s) that match your criteria.

Click on the Position Title to view the full details of the record


Ajax Ajax
Brock Brock
Clarington Clarington
Durham Region Durham Region
Oshawa Oshawa
Pickering Pickering
Scugog Scugog
Uxbridge Uxbridge
Whitby Whitby
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Simcoe Hall Community Programs & Food Bank, Oshawa, Food Bank

Simcoe Hall is looking for a dedicated volunteer driver on an ongoing basis every Thursday at 7 PM to pick up a large quantity of bread from COBS Bakery (Courtice location – 1635 Durham Regional Hwy 2, Clarington, ON L1E 2R7).

This is a one- or two-person job that requires heavy lifting and the ability to store the bread overnight until it can be dropped off at Simcoe Hall (387 Simcoe Street S, Oshawa, Ontario) on Friday morning.

Your support helps ensure fresh bread is available for those in need in our community. If you're interested or have any questions, please reach out to us!

Community Food Box – Delivery Person/Packer   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Community Care Durham
Pick up food boxes from Oshawa/Whitby Community Hub

Deliver food boxes on Friday mornings to clients' homes.  Food boxes contain a variety of healthy food essentials, locally made or grown. Volunteers pick up the food boxes at the Whitby Hub.

Packers assemble food items, organize and fill food boxes on Thursdays.

Meals on Wheels - Driver / Packer / Cleaning Bags   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Community Care Durham
Durham Region

Deliver meals along an assigned route usually designed to be completed in 1-1.5hrs * Deliver meals to the clients' door.  Have a few minutes for a brief chat.  Pick-up around 11am.

Pack meals in MOW bags in the morning hours

Clean out and sanitize returning MOW bags in the afternoon 

Transportation Driver   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Community Care Durham
Every municipality in Durham Region

Drive clients to medical appointments, shopping, errands, etc. * support CCD services by driving clients to Luncheon Out and Adult Day Program sites

Wheels of Hope Volunteer Driver   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Canadian Cancer Society, Durham Region

Do you like to drive? Do you enjoy helping others? We need you!

Imagine being told you have cancer, and that you need to travel each day to receive life-saving treatment but you have no way to get there. 

That’s where the Canadian Cancer Society’s Wheels of Hope comes in – a program that offers a ride for people with cancer who need help getting to and from their treatment appointments.   

We need volunteer drivers all over the Durham region. The program operates Monday to Friday during the day. A mileage reimbursement is offered. If you have a weekday to spare or even just a few days per month, please consider signing up for Wheels of Hope!

Volunteer Driver   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Durham Children's Aid Society

VOLUNTEER DRIVERS provide safe, reliable transportation for children, youth and families to/from
appointments , family visits, school and camp.

• Provide local and long distance transportation for children.
• Abide by the rules of the road and all driving/automobile related laws.
• Properly use child restraints, according to current standards.
• Follow all policies and procedures related to volunteer driving as outlined in Volunteer Services.

• Driver’s abstract must be submitted prior to commencing as a Volunteer Driver and will be completed
on an annual basis.
• Must have and maintain a mechanically sound and safe vehicle at all times
• Must have, and maintain, a minimum of $1,000,000 liability insurance.
• Adherence to mandatory seatbelt and child restraint regulations.
• Experience with children an asset.
•Reliability, flexibility, patience and confidentiality are all required.
•Must have a good driving record, acceptable police check and driver’s abstract.
•Must have a valid G driver’s license at all times

To become an approved volunteer with the Society, all applicants must complete the
screening process. Acceptance will be based on the results of this process.

• Volunteers must be 18 years or older.
• Volunteers must live or work in the Durham Region.
• Applicants will attend an information session in a group or individually.
• Applicants will complete an application form.
• An internal Society records check will be completed to determine any Society involvement.
• A provincial records check will be completed within the Child Protection Information Network (CPIN)
• Applicants will provide the names of three references and references will be deemed favourable. Manager, Communications & Community Relations has the discretion to approve an applicant with 2 references completed and deemed favourable.
• Applicants will provide a Criminal Records Check with Vulnerable Sector screening
• Applicants will provide proof of a valid driver’s license and a favorable driver’s abstract from the Ministry of Transportation when an assignment involves transporting children, youth and families.
• Applicants will be interviewed by the Coordinator of Volunteer Services to determine their suitability as a volunteer.
• Applicants will provide a Release of Information to contact other Children’s Aid Societies when there has been involvement or if they have resided outside of the Region for the last 10 years.
• Applicants will attend and complete New Volunteer Training
• Applicants must sign an Oath of Confidentiality
• Applicants will sign the Volunteer Agreement
• The applicant will be notified when they have been either approved or denied.

Volunteer Durham is committed to provide a database that is accurate, current and comprehensive. However, we are unable to assume any liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality. Please contact Volunteer Durham to report concerns or to make suggestions.